Intercessory Prayer Team

Isaiah 62:6-7

These "Watchmen on the Walls" are faithful members, lifting up the needs of our community in prayer.

Contact Deanie Berry (Prayer Team Coordinator) through the church office for more information on joining the prayer team.

How can we pray for you?

There are several ways to let us know your prayer requests:

1. Email

2. Prayer Line

3. Drop a Connect Card in the offering plate

4. Call the church office

5. Fill out the form below

Prayer Line

Our new Prayer Line gives members the ability to call into a local number to submit a prayer request.

To let us know about your prayer need through the Prayer Line, call 903-690-3161.

For more information on joining the prayer chain, contact Deanie Berry through the church office.

Prayer Room

Did you know we have a prayer room?

In the lobby of the church office, there is a room set up for private prayer time. You may use your time there to lift up whatever God puts on your heart to pray for.

You may also join the First We Pray schedule for a dedicated time in the Prayer Room each week. Contact Deanie Berry through the church office.

Section Title

Type the content for this prayer section here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this prayer section. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section.